GRADEを使って、総体エビデンス(body of evidence)の質を評価する際には、「エビデンスの質、すなわち効果推定値が正しいという確信の程度は、連続的なものである」という認識が必要です。
複数のRCTからの総体エビデンス(4)が、バイアスのリスク(-1)、不精確さ(-1)、非一貫性(-1)、非直接性(0)、出版バイアス(0)、なので、4-3=1、”very low”という判断はよくないという意味で、バイアスのリスクと不精確さを合わせて(-1)などという判断もありうるという考えです。
■Quality of evidence: confidence in estimates as a continuum
下図は、GRADEを下げる5要因のうち、risk of bias, imprecision, indirectnessを使って、エビデンスの質の連続性を説明したものです。
What to do when there is only one RCT
Many people are uncomfortable designating a single RCT as high-quality evidence. Given the many instances in which the first positive report has not held up under subsequent investigation, this discomfort is warranted. On the other hand, automatically rating down quality when there is a single study is not appropriate. A single, very large, rigorously planned and conducted multicentre RCT may provide high-quality evidence. GRADE suggests especially careful scrutiny of all relevant issues (risk of bias, precision, directness, and publication bias) when only a single RCT addresses a particular question. (GRADE JCE-4より)