2015年10月23日 Posted by aihara

Temple Universityの「メタアナリシスとシステマティックレビューのガイド」

Temple Universityの「メタアナリシスとシステマティックレビューのガイド」(Russell Conwell Guide Series)には、さまざまな資料が紹介されています。

temple univ

●例:Introduction to Systematic Reviews

3. Question/topic refinement
  • Formulate a clearly defined answerable question or series of questions, identifying the Population, Intervention,
    comparison condition, and Outcome(s) of interest
  • Example: “Do psychological treatments for PTSD improve PTSD symptomatology in adults, compared with control conditions (e.g., usual care or waiting list) or alternate psychological treatment?”
  • If there are multiple, related questions, reviewers often develop an analytic framework, which visually shows the logical pathways underlying your questions. Sometimes reviewers need a higher level diagram and multiple logical pathways that show more detail contained in each high level box. An example of a higher level diagram can be found on page 84 of this report. To see an example of a simple analytic framework with four related questions, click here.

About aihara

Gordon GuyattやHolger Schunemann、Yngve Falck-YtterらとともにGRADE working groupメンバーとして、GRADEシステムの適切な普及につとめています。

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